Tuesday, 25 February 2025



An unconventional use

And gravity

And force travelling

And least resistance

And other natural flaws

And super-natural laws

And an anvil is formed

From my tragedy

And my grief is your hammer

As you break me open

This hard, calloused shell

Your attack from the air,

And the soft meat of me now exposed,

Hidden no more

Crush me not,

Consume me Lord,

In brokenness

That at last we be



Monday, 10 February 2025

Sahara Stones

Sahara Stones 

You bought me beauty 
From the wasteland 
From the ashes of stars
Carbon dates,
And destinations,
Deserted locations,
Millennia of waiting
In enduring night
Until seen:

The joy of the mourning.

Mirage-like they shone in your eyes
Glinting with light
Brimming with colours
A Jewel in denial
A pebble to please a king.

This thing, that you saw
and collected to bring,

And somehow thought of me.

Handing me the treasure, sometime later,
Somewhat apologetically,
You describe these plain grey pebbles
In the parameters of your original vision,

And although I didn't see them then,
And although I was grateful for the attempt,

It is the beauty of the attempt,
The gem of the gift,
That I was considered,
That you saw this
And wanted me to see,

And these plain pebbles
Shine to me still
Whenever I look at them. 

In fact, in their transfigured state,
They could not have been more beautiful to me
Than they are now.

These plain stones
From The wasteland

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Tears are for Turning

As children we learn
Though the principle pain is palpable,
Though the salt trails that mark our cheeks,
long after the streams have dried, come from genuine mines of emotions,
That the water works well,

That the comfort it brings from others, 
can cascade into a river all its own,
That the display of the pain of regret,
Will bring the better part yet.
That the repentance is sweeter than never having sinned.
And so we let flow 
Occasionally more than we need.

And as an adult
I learn 
That my tears over sin,
Even If I am genuine
Are a sweet place to stay,
And to return, like a dog, to the vomit of sorrow.

And I learn
That tears are for learning 
That tears are no good 
To me or God 
If tears 
Do not lead
Into turning.

And though he indulges me
He would rather see me free. 

Friday, 25 October 2024

New Born Blues


One day, I said, to the Lord,

A whispered prayer, over my shoulder,

One day I will know.

One day you will show me,

What it is in me,

That resonates so deeply

With the melancholic tone in this song,

To the extent that I told my Sister, 

To ensure that amongst all the hymns I'd selected,

She play it at my funeral,

Because this song, I said, is me.

If you could sum up my soul in music,

This would be it.

"With light in my head

And you in my arms"*

And instantly the whisper returned

My ear tingled

The neck hairs bristled

It is longing.

It is yearning.

And in my ignorance, I asked myself,

Like I would know,

If that wasn't contradicting the nature of my rebirth,

This inner being effused with His spirit,

That I should characterise myself solely with this one bittersweet emotion.

I am Longing.

I am yearning.

But my yearning is for home

For that fine and fateful day

And the new birth should not put me off,

For every baby

Is born screaming

For a comfort they can't yet comprehend.

They have needs they have no knowledge of,

And they feel the need still,

The melancholy speaks of hope

Like pain speaks of healing

And what was begun,

Will one day end.

And the crying will fall silent,

And I will suckle at the teat of eternity

"For I Know I will be loosened

From bonds that hold me fast

That the chains all hung around me

Will fall away at last"*

* Fisherman's Blues- The Waterboys

Sunday, 4 August 2024


I surrender to you

Like I was bound to do

Not with hands held high

Nor did I 

Abdicate my throne of emotions:

It's courts abandoned,

There are no white flags,

No terms or treaties,

I surrender

Not in willingness

Nor because resistance is worn away

(By the lapping tide of perpetual love)

I have not come to the end of my resource to fight you off,

But I surrender

As a falling man

Surrenders to the concrete below

As the flaming building he has left


He plunges for

Propelled towards

Terror which is firmer

Than the collapsing ruin that previously supported,

Even though

He started the fire.

I surrender to the approaching ground

And the mercy of God.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

The channels

I find the cool channels
between buildings 
where the wind finds flow, 
This breeze block, asphalt, concrete complex,
Where the radiance of the sun
is battery farmed.

Where humidity is increased in one room,
And conditioned into ice-dry climate in another,
And i walk unseen among the scientists,
clustered in their honey burrows,
I'm dripping sweat on their sterile floors
Dragging plastic through their corridors 
wearing their lab coats
but the dark ring of perspiration
is around my colar
And I cannot be with them,
I seek the channels
between the buildings
where the monster casts its shadow
And sucks the cool air through

Friday, 21 June 2024

I Commit My Soul To Paper

I commit my soul to paper,

Put my heart in the ink,

Place my consciousness on the page,

Commit what is spiritual,

To what is matter,

What I hope is eternal,

To what may age,

And crumble, brown and flake,


Fade out of vision,

Bleeding from the veins of the temporal,

Seeping through the Vail,

Back to its home in heaven,

Where it is preserved,

By Angels,

Preserved in my tears,

In jars and bottles,

Corked with the wood of the cross.


 Anvil  An unconventional use And gravity And force travelling And least resistance And other natural flaws And super-natural laws And an an...