Thursday, 28 August 2014

The power of deepening Memory

A bull Elephant,
I have heard it said,
Can be chained,
By a single peg,
The size and the depth,
Of the one that chained it,
as a calf.

The peg's roots,
Comparatively shallow,
Have deeper roots in the memory,
They mature with the calf,
Ever deepening,
Submerging within the skin of its brain,
Burrowing like a splinter,
Until it's spirit is infected.

Like the fabled 1st burn of the fire grate,
The child that is slapped,
Never relinquishes,
The first sting of it,
He wont easily return,
To the seared skin,
Of the primal burn,
And fear
Shall be his rod.

And once rejected
A child form within its peers
Shall retreat through all the years,
Recoiling like a hand from the flames,

And through the prisms
Of such mental prisons
All that is unseen
Is seen,

And the recording
I was just listening to
Now digital,
Now new,
No longer contains the jump,
But I still hear it,
And I always will,

And my mother still calls to me

Through a record scratch
That changed the words,
'So Cool'
Into 'Matthew'.

Saturday, 23 August 2014


The promise
Flows downstream,
The faithfulness
Trickles down the generations,

From Father
to Son,
It goes on,
The unfinished
Unbroken line
The faith that was his
Has also become mine
Your God
Is my God
Where you lie
I will lie,
I will go with you
And with you I will die.

Through years
From ancient days
The river flows
And winds its ways
And captures us
In rapturous praise.

The Faith that I had
Is now also yours,
And our God goes with you
Where ever the rivers course,

His faithfulness will never leave you
He wont die, like me
He is our Father in Heaven
And our home, eternally.

I'll meet you at the gates
Of that Mansion, by and by,
And we'll walk side by side
My sons, you and I.

And my Father
And his Father too,
And his Father before him
And the whole ramshackle crew,

Fathers and Sons, all brothers
All lost in Gods Great grace
True sons of the True father,
Caught up in love and praise

The faithfulness goes on
Unbroken in our line
Of broken bruised believers
From all corners of time,

A covenant of Love
The love that you were offering
A God to me, forever
And to my Offspring.


Tuesday, 19 August 2014


The overflow
Of a forgiven soul;

Forbids stagnation
Defies containment
Cascades love
Replenishes mercy
Refreshes wasteland
Quenches loneliness
Washes weariness
Lavishes hope.

Filled to the brim
And overflowing
Wave after wave
After wave.

Walls cannot keep us
Fear cannot gag us

In silence
Our hearts cannot stay.


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