Friday, 25 March 2016


He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
Although he was innocent of crime,
He was cut off from the land of the living,
He paid for the guilt that was mine”*

They say this Jesus, Who see's us,
Who Calls us in our weakness,
Humbles us with meekness,
Rescues us from bleakness,

They say He is a Good man,
But I say he is a God man,
He came to heal the sick,
To lift up the down-trod, man,

Thirty three years,
And he did nothing wrong,
Not a sin found on or in him,
In thrity three years long,

This good man was a God man,
He did the Father's will,
The way he stood up to temptation,
Still gives me a thrill,
But he wound up bleeding,
On a tree, upon a hill,
They were baying for his blood, man,
They were spoiling for a kill,

But he had done nothing wrong, man,
He was innocent of crime,
He hung there bleeding,
For the sin that was yours and mine,

God sent him into the world, man,
Not to judge the world through him,
But to save the world,
The word became human,

If we believe in him,
We can be made right,
God wont see our darkness,
He will see his son's light,

This is the message of the cross,
This holy interchange,
We are seen as good
Through this divine exchange,

But not Jesus,
Not him,

At the cross,

Every angry thought
Every lustful deed,
Every heart distraught,
Every instance of envy and greed,
Every love locked out,
Every help refused,
Every child that screams in silence,
Every trust abused,
Every hope extinguished,
Every fragile life snuffed out,
Every voice raised in fear and hatred,
Every slander thrown about,
Every single deception,
Every lie that's told,
Every look the other way,
Every secret sold,
Every promise broken,
Every answer deflected,
Every partner waiting home,
Every heart neglected,
Every unforgiveness,
Every conscience hardened,
Every bitter thought,
Till the last day, from the garden
Every time we helped ourselves,
Every time we couldn't wait,
Every time we didn't listen,
Every time we turned too late,
Every time that we knew better,
Every time we took the praise,
Every time we stole his credit,
Every time we hid from his face,
Every sin of disobedience,
Every effort for selfish gain,
Every wound that's treated lightly,
Every glory in our shame,
Every hardened heart,
Every walk on by,
Every purse or wallet closed,
Every crossing to the other side,

Every addiction chased
Every substance abused,
Every wound we buried deep,
Every scar and hidden bruise,

Every gun that's toted,
Every child forced into war
Every bomb blast ripping through communities
Every one who knows (and doesn't)
And what for,

Every false ideology,
Every arm that's traded,
Every fat cat sitting back on profits,
Whilst their bloodied war is waged,

Every grieving soul,
Every torture victim,
Every rape that happened,
Every thing afflicting,

Every thing and so much more,
Every evil, Every sin,
Every malevolence there was and would be,
Every justice there wasn't, but should have been,

Here, at the cross,

All of this,
On him.
All it's crushing weight,
Closing in on him,

And the Lord has laid on him.
The sin of us all.

*Maggi Dawn


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