Friday, 31 March 2017

Falling for Grace

Fallen Angels
Broken wings,
Wounded hearts
Helpless things,
Walking dead,
Trapped in Sins,

You know that I'm just falling for grace,

Trapped inside,
My little head,
All the things,
I wished I'd said,
All my shame
And my regret,

You know that I'm Just falling for grace,

I knew my place,
But lost my way,
There is nothing ,
Left to say,
Please forgive me,

I'm just falling for grace,

You've been here,
A long time now,
But I never,
Understood how,
You could love me,
How couldst Thou?

You know Lord, I'm just falling for grace,

You lift me up,
But it's a long way down,
I don't want,
To see you frown,
I took the mercy,
I stole the crown,

You know, I'm just falling for grace,

I took what I,
Did not deserve,
I came for worship,
You came to serve,
You talked straight,
But I threw a curve,

But I'm just falling for grace,

It's so amazing,
So divine
How you took,
This soul of mine,
I was not grateful,
I did decline,

But now I'm just falling for grace

I cannot lose,
I cannot win,
I can't muck up
Or out-sin,
At the end of me,
You just begin,

I'm just falling for grace,

Your grace; it taught,
My heart to fear,
It drew my soul,
It bought me near,
It said the words,
I need to hear,

"You know that I'll just pour out my grace"

And now I've just fallen for grace


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