Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Pride Cometh

Pride came
before the fall
first came pride
then came all
the darkness of
the night that would fall
then came flame
then came the wall

Pride came
before the tower fell
ascending to heaven
by digging in hell
and oh, look,
we're doing so well,
then burst the bubble,
then crush the shell

and all, is chaos, and confusion.

You'll be like gods,
You'll reach His height
You'll see as He see's
You'll have His sight,
You're beyond all question
You have the right
To celebrate,
What is evil,
And hidden in night,

But the morning comes,
with blinding sight,
The sun shall rise,
And flood with light

And the proud shall fall,
and rue their height,
and long,
and wait,
and hope in vain for flight,

New Born Blues

  One day, I said, to the Lord, A whispered prayer, over my shoulder, One day I will know. One day you will show me, What it is in me, That ...