Sunday, 17 December 2017

See King Him

In the beginning,
The word was light,
Beyond the darkness,
beyond sight,
And that light
was the light
of the life of men,
And we best behold it
and start living then,
In all it's fullness
He is life,
Why is it then,
We feel such strife?

He came to his own,
But we beheld him, not,
And turned away,
and turned it off,
the voice that said,
we should seek him,
but we turned our hands,
to shallow things,
that did not hold
the depth of love
that could not fill,
The volume of,

All his fullness,

But in all we do,
we're seeking him,
though we know it not,
Beneath our skin,
The yearning that comes,
when we cannot sleep,
The restlessness in
the deepest deep,
as our souls call out
to him,
To save his sheep,
We are lost,
but cannot reach,
home's safety.
and can not even call out 'save me',

When we cant find answers,
and even when we have already found it,
When we cant separate out the Love
From the religion that surrounds it

We are seeking truth,
we are seeking hope,
We are seeking life,
We are seeking love,

We are seeking him,

at the heart of it,
when deeds are done,
when all our battles ,
are lost or won,

we have been seeking him,

seeking him,

See King Him

King Jesus,

I want to see the king
soon and very soon,
I want to see the king,
Heart; prepare him room,
I want to see the king,
High and lifted up,
I want to see the child,
Born to be lifted up,

I want to see the king,
Soon and very soon,
I want to see the king
I wanna sing his tune,

The wisest of men,
Will be seeking still
Seeking for what,
The world cannot fill,
And bringing their gifts,
They worshipped him there,
The King in baby-grows,
The Son and Heir,

To see the light,
The light of life,
the full life of everything,
We should stop seeking him,
and instead,
We should see him King,

See him at the centre,
ruling everything,
see him working for the good,
of those that do love him,
see him ruling still,
through every situation,
kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall,
Nations fighting nation,
See him holding power,
when all about seems lost,
see him counting hours,
see him thawing history's frost,

one day,

We all shall see him king,
every one,
on bended knees,
with confessing tongues,

When the King is on the throne,
His loyal subjects,
Will feel at home,

Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the king,
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the King,
Soon and very soon,
We are going to see the king,
 We are going to see the king,

So See him king.


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