Sunday, 21 April 2019

My Song This Morning

My Song This Morning
To My Brothers and Sisters:

If I am killed
Will you please still sing
If I am butchered
Still bring your praise to the king
If I am blown up
Please make much of his name
If I should die during worship
If I am slain

Know that my death
Is not in vain
Know that God is still God
And Jesus still reigns
Know that death is still robbed
It's still lost it's sting
He is risen indeed
And our hope is in him

To our adversaries:

Know that while you still kill us
We will yet live
Know that while we forgive you
Only God can forgive
Know that there is still mercy
It's found in the name
Of this Jesus we worship
The one who once came
To die for your sin
And rose from the grave
And he alone is your hope
Only Jesus can Save.

(Written after news broke about the Jihadist attacks on churches in Sri Lanka killed over 250 people)

Wednesday, 17 April 2019


As Adam
Asleep in the dust
Which he was just
Formed as he was
From earth
From him was formed
The first birth

A caesarean
A section of flesh
A humanitarian
Delivery as deliverance
A sample of bone
Flesh of my flesh
No longer alone
And the surgeon
The sculptor unaided
And unasked
Blew life
With his breath
Before things got dark
Before shadows and death

This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called ‘woman,’
For she was taken out of man
But all men hence
Will be taken out of her

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

All That is Within

This is a kind of Psalm
No trumpet
No fanfare
No raised alarm

Just a sinner
Who came to no harm
Reeling from love
With open palms
Open mouthed
Outstretched arms

Yes, this is a kind of Psalm.

Every breath that now comes
In chaos and calm
Sets wind in my praises
Gives sail to my psalm

Your works of wonder
Your awesome power
The detail in
Each fragile flower

The fearful wonder
In the way you made me
The breath of life
The love you gave me

All your works
Shall praise your name
All creation
Screams your fame

I can't promise you
I'm not even sure you can keep
The gifts I bring
But all within me
Wants to sing
Sing for you now
Sing my Psalm to my king,

You have saved me
And I love you.
Jesus God
No one above you

You know he's done wonderful things
When even your sin makes you sing
Because with opened eyes you can see
He dealt with it so gloriously
In love so superabundantly
His blood still avails for you and me,

This is a kind of Psalm
No trumpet in this room,
No fanfare
No raised alarm

Just a sinner
Who came to no harm
Reeling from love
With open palms
Open mouthed
With Outstretched arms

see how it has been dealt with so gloriously and so superabundantly


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