Monday, 16 March 2020

Just A Poem


This is just a poem

If you don't like it

Walk on

Go on

Just keep goin'

I wont hate you

Or judge you

Though you've no way of knowin'

You must trust me,


It's Just a poem

It's not death after life

It's not life or death

It's not the end of your world

Or your final breath

It's not dreams come to naught

Or your soul bereft,

It's something more important

That carries more heft

This is just a poem

A moment

A meaning

A contusion showing

Emotion beneath the skin bubbling up

Microwaved milk spilling over the cup

This is the seed that I'm sowin'

But it's still just a poem,

If you hate it

Or love it,

You've learned the worth

A reaction is enough

If not new birth

Then a day in the sun

Before being buried in earth

I've touched you

I've lost you

I've created mirth

I've bored or Ignored you

Or thrilled you in verse

But I haven't killed you

Or anything worse

This is, after all

Just a poem

And if you don't like it...don't stop

Just keep going

Don't read further or listen

To the flow that is going

This thing is not yet

Showing any sign of slowing

And anyway,

As I said,
It's Just a poem,

I write and perform

For those who'll connect

To this moment

It's life to accept or reject

This poem can be like the cassette you'd eject

Or press play

Maybe stay

Maybe you've not decided yet

Maybe rewind

Or press pause

The decision is yours

But if you don't mind,

I will just keep goin'

Though it's not Shakespeare

And it's just a poem

It's mine

And I think

It's absolutely fine,

Not accolade, I know

Nor high renown

Not critical acclaim

Not the talk of the town,

I just thought of it

and wrote it down,

Yeah this is just a poem,

If you thought It was more

Had you going

No this is just a poem,

But poems are just moments in words

And moments are the smallest units of life

So don't ignore them

The moments I mean,

Not the poems,


Feel free

Just keep going

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

High Time

I wont hide in corners
I wont avoid detection
I will face my demon
I reject rejection

I accept acceptance
I will release release
I'm walking hand in hand
With Big Bro,
The Prince of peace

I'm a city on a hill
In the middle of the night
I'm a light on a stand
I'm standing in day-light

I am loved as loved can be
I am loved before all time
I am loved into eternity
Loved with Love divine

I am the light of the world.
The light of his Love is in me
The light  shines in the darkness
The darkness shall never win me

High time
High time,
My time,
To Shine


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