Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Burn Babylon, Burn

 It's time to disable Babel,

Satan, your kingdom shall fall,

To topple your tower,

Unplug your power,

The hour is here for you to answer to all,

Time to tear down your toy towns of treasure,

To rip up your playbook and rules,

To revoke all your pleasures,

And every half measure,

To expose the wolf 'neath the wool,

Time to expose your lies for half truths,

That you twisted as you thrusted them in,

Dipped in the poison of guilt,

Driven up to the hilt,

The wound seeping sin upon sin,

Time to search and destroy the destroyer,

The poisoner at the well,

To force it back down his throat,

Every last gloat,

Remind him he's going to hell,

To smash down the idols he sets up,

To cut them down at the root,

To burn all the wood,

For the undone good,

The tree that prevents all the fruit,

It's time then to bow now to Jesus,

Time to bow, yes bow down and fry,

You'll hiss and you'll spit,

As you're thrown in that pit,

But no pity, not even goodbye,

Burn then you kingdom of Babel

Burn brightly, burn Babylon, burn,

You've spent your entire,

Time setting people on fire,

And finally It's now your turn,

It's the end of the year of God's favour,

It's time to call in all grudges and debts,

He's kept his account.

He knows the amount,

I think you'll find it's you that forgets,

The end of the year of his favour,

The great, terrible day of the Lord,

His tool belt includes,

All the tools he will use,

The Fork, the Hammer, The Sword,

He's held it all back for so long now,

His anger is stored like a flood,

On the day it's poured out,

Don't be about,

On the day of the vengeance of God,

He's held it all back for so long now,

Stored up his wrath like a flood,

Against every misdeed,

And action of greed,

The only thing that can save is Christ's blood,

Burn for the blood that you've spilled

Burn then Babylon burn,

Burn for the lies,

Let your smoke fill the skies,

Burn now for the love that you spurned.

Friday, 9 October 2020

I See You

As you sit there stewing,

Brewing concoctions of revenge extractions,

Of prolonged explanations

Vitriolic justifications,

Fire breathing soliloquies that are as likely to appear,

As the dragon itself,

In this circle of chairs,

As you steam and stew,

I see you

As you struggle to not let them know,

As you can't take it up, but your mind won't let go,

As your voice is dulled,

As you feel robbed of choice

As for my sake, you hold your peace,

Though the tide's not yet turned,

And release is a lifebuoy ever edging away,

I whisper to you,

And you hear me say,

I see you,

In your anger do not sin,

This saying nothing, 

This sitting here,

Is not a loss but a win,

And being angry is okay,

Just keep watching what you say,

This too shall pass,

Though it will smart,

It will not last,

I see you,

Take your pleasure not in them but in me,

And practice intensive caring unity,

I see you,

And now, 

You see me.

Hold your peace,


Be still,

Remember what we are speaking of,

Not yours, but my will....

Strange Lament

 As old as the universe itself,

Older than the bricks on which it was built,

The solid cornerstone, from which all vibrations emanate

And in turn, return to.

His Love,

Is steadfast.

It has never changed nor wavered,

Kick as hard as you like,

It won't wobble.

It never ceases, depletes or decreases,

Through trauma and trial,

Eon upon eon,

Mile after mile after mile,

Add infinitum,

His love wont be moved 

Or be undone,

He is love itself,

The Ancient one,

Yesterday, today,

Ever after, the same.

Steadfast, stood fast.

It was never rocked,

And it shall never change.

But let me tell you,

Every single day,

His mercy,

Is born anew,

Like dew,

Fresh every morning.

The way in to this unmovable castle,

The mighty fortress of his love?

Every single morning,

The Mercy gates open,

And let the wanderers in.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.~ Lamentations 3:22-23

I do a Dance

 Every now and then,

I do a dance,

That only you would understand,

 An enacted memory that cannot be changed or altered,

Or ever forgotten,

It did not exist before you, 

And it wont disappear now I'm gone,

It's a piece of you

I carry forever,

I see your your smile when my shoulders shake,

I hear your laugh when I wobble my head,

I perceive your  playful pout,

When I looked to you for approval,

And it makes me want to do the dance,

All over again.


 Anvil  An unconventional use And gravity And force travelling And least resistance And other natural flaws And super-natural laws And an an...