Thursday, 20 October 2022


Rather than a selfish life,

Filled with every luxury,

Preferable to poverty and porcine envy,

I said I'd be a doorkeeper,

A hired servant.

If the remains of my life were to last only a day, in your presence,

It would outweigh all the wanting,

Of a thousand filled with every indulgence,


I have to be honest boss,

I have to be straight with you, Dad,

I'd take that,

I would.

I'd take it and be grateful,

It's more than I deserve or could ever ask for,

But I' can't help but hope for something more, 

It's not the robes or the ring

It's not the fatted calf, or any other thing,

It's the bit where you fall on me,

And welcome me in 

To your house,


It's the bit where I get to spend forever as your son,

Daddy, I'll take the Doorkeep's job. 

I'd bite your arm of for it,

But, forgive me,

I want so much more

Sunday, 2 October 2022


 It is here

In my wordless prayer

I still my soul

To meet you there

My words betray

My anxious thought

And so I kneel before you

As I ought

My inner longings

Long have taught

That my outward strivings 

Will come to naught

So wordless I 

Let my heart be caught

Adopt the posture

Let hands be raised

Let life be rendered

In ceaseless praise

Let all I am,

Without a noise,

Lift my life 

As my loving voice

That all my deeds

Proclaim your love

Hearts and hands

And head above

Lost in praise

And wordless love


 Anvil  An unconventional use And gravity And force travelling And least resistance And other natural flaws And super-natural laws And an an...