Friday, 30 December 2022


I like noise

I like my ears to be busy

I like my mind to be occupied by the cascade;

The Thousands of sounds that they draw in.

I have set my ears like a trap for noise

Frequency and tone

Volume and vibration

Buzz, rattle and moan

Piercing cries

Breathy sighs

Notes and voices

Harmonies and melodies

Bass and treble and a trembling

I can listen to preachers for hours

A conversation is utter salvation

The alarm is sounding 

I'm awake

The Kettle is boiling

The tap is running

The shower is humming and drumming

The music's more often than not playing in the background

Before I leave I pray out loud,

God likes the sound of my voice,

Almost as much as I do

I'm in the car,

And the radio is on,

I'm at work and for every moment I am not talking with colleagues,

My headphones are on, 

More music and podcasts

I'm in the car now to go home,

And the radio's on,

Then home and the telly, the X-box and the bluetooth speaker

More music and podcasts,

Sometimes I combine 

On my better days

I might pray out loud before bed

God likes the sound of my voice, I tell myself,

Almost as much as I do

And when I finally lay down

I play episodes from a TV period drama on my phone whilst it is charging,

I am not watching the pictures,

I am listening,

Always listening

As the familiar words of Elizabeth

Cue my mind for the sleep

Waiting in the wings,

I do this all week long

With one or two exceptions.

I like noise

I like my ears to be busy

I like my mind to be occupied by the cascade;

The Thousands of sounds that they draw in.

I have set my ears like a trap for noise

Because I have had tinnitus for the last 30 years,

I like noise,

Because it drowns the drone,

And gives me respite from what would otherwise fill every moment of my life with it's relentlessness

It is always there

At any given moment, even within the loudest sounds 

I can tune in if I choose

Tuning out however, requites absorption

In the same way, I like to be busy

Not to be still 

Nor Spiritually silent.

When I sit before the Lord

The silence can be terrifying

Because I don't want to think about the reality


Not knowing the silence is a gift,

The opposite of tinnitus

The things I find in the silence

With grace and time I can change

If I choose to tune in

Wednesday, 28 December 2022


When all about you lose their way

And your voice is lost in all the fray,

When your argument holds no sway, 

Hold on to the truth and say,

I hold to the truth in all I do,

But remember it's the truth that's holding you,

When the truth is all the battle ground

When lines are blurred, and scarcely found

And when they're found they're rarely sound,

Know that trends go round and round,

But truth's eternal, through and through

Though you hold the truth,

In truth, 

The truth is holding you,

Hold on to truth as best you can

When nothing seems to go to plan

And though you question, know this man,

The truth is Jesus said 'I am'

The truth, the way and life too,

And though you hold to truth,

The truth is, The truth is holding you,

Sunday, 11 December 2022

In The Beginning


In the beginning was a girl

In the beginning she had modest hopes

She didn't want to rule the world

In the beginning,

In the beginning was a man

In the beginning he had expectations

He had a marriage plan

In the beginning,

In the beginning was the clan

In the beginning was the land

The land that was promised to that clan,

The land and the clan of Israel

In the beginning,

In the beginning were the tribes,

In the beginning, being governed and 

Ruled by priests and scribes,

And of course, the Romans,

Don't forget the Romans,

In The beginning,

In the beginning there was begging,

In the beginning, crying from the street,

Pleading with their God

To be released from beneath the feet 

Of the Romans,

In the beginning,

In the beginning there was Sinning

In the beginning from day one,

The laws were being broken, before the law had even begun,

In the beginning,

In the beginning there was turmoil, 

Turmoil being unfurled,

In the beginning, an alienation,

The estrangement of the world,

From its creator,

In the beginning,

In the beginning hope was going

Hope was going, going, gone,

In the beginning dead and buried

Be it Rome or Babylon,

It was buried.

In the beginning,

In the beginning the old promise was dead, or so it seemed,

Ur of the Chaldeans, through to Egypt,

How long to redeem this dream? 

We've been waiting

Since the beginning,

In the beginning there was darkness, a darkness beyond the night.

In night-time you have stars, but this darkness knows no light;

It knows not its creator

Nor the Father of mankind,

It feels neither his warmth nor love,

It is spiritually blind

From the beginning,

In the beginning, there was longing,

Long, long, long ago

A yearning for love and meaning,

From a source we could not know,

Unknowable, unattainable, in holiness enshrined,

Unreachable, unassailable: God, the potentate of time,

In the beginning,

In the beginning, we were just beginning

But never could become,

Unbecoming in the beginning, 

Something missing from the sum,

The sum total of our righteousness

Like filthy rags we present,

In the beginning sin was winning,

We were bankrupt, broken, spent,

In the beginning, 

In the beginning, in the land of Israel,

In the beginning was a girl,

She had modest ambitions, 

She was not trying to rule the world

It was her beginning,

For the scriptures had ordained from mouths of prophets

The virgin shall be with child,

The word that was spoken by Gabriel,

The word to the exiled,

In the beginning there had been silence

Nothing sounded, nothing heard,

When then, in the beginning,

In the beginning was the word,

The living breathing word.

In the beginning he was God, 

He was God and with God too,

And he spoke into the darkness

To let the light shine through

And to the people walking in darkness,

A great and awesome light,

The invisible God

Now bursts into sight,

The unknowable God

Now all flesh and blood,

The perfect and accessible

Human Son of God,

In the beginning,

There came a new beginning,

A never ending beginning,

The Lord Jesus Christ

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

The Last of The Light


I came up here

To this Northern corner

This ring of bright water

To let the last of the light in

I came up here 

To this land on the borders

As a dreamscape hoarder

To let the last of the sight shine in

I came up here

On feet thrust forward by fear

That you'd fast disappear

A refusal at last to let the fright climb in

I came up here

Where the wind blows clear

And the salt licks your ear

Till all I can hear

Is the oceanic lyric, 

With the sound of the last of the life-lines in

I came up here

My proposed purpose sincere

To gather the distance near

Before the soul's windows are closed

To let the last of the light in

I came up here

To drink it in

The sand of my fathers

The sea-foam and lathers

Drink deep son,

Soon the ask of the night want's in

He's rather polite,

But unmistakably not asking.

I came up here

On the wheels of the gulls

The resistance of hulls,

The surf and the storm

As the boat floats in

It's as open as the sky

The remains of my eye

On this dune I cry

For the life passed by.

While I had the chance,

I never let the light shine in


 Anvil  An unconventional use And gravity And force travelling And least resistance And other natural flaws And super-natural laws And an an...