Thursday, 13 December 2012


The floods came,
They came, they came,
They took everything,
Took it in their game,

The sky came,
And opened its' heart to me,
And poured its hard tears down,

As the waters rose,
They rose, they rose,
Like a fast approaching date,
Like the devil in my destiny,
Like the unsealing of a fate,
The waters rose to float my resolve,
Clean out through the flood gate,
And heavens gate can wait,

And heavens gate can wait,
Can wait,
Till the tide of love's receded,
The flotsam of this fickle heart,
The jetsam of victories conceded,
Leaves debris on my banks,
Like dissent amongst the ranks.

For what the flood took,
And what the flood brought,
Have filled my fragile landscape,
And bought my resolve,
To nought.

The muds came,
They came, they came,
The softened earth sucks in,
Every foot that would walk in it,
Like love has softened sin,

Come walk a mile or two with me now,
Walk a mile beside the river,
You'll find the terrain quite different now,
The catastrophic event,
Has proved a real forgiver.

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