Saturday, 15 March 2014


This is us
within these sheets
within these four walls
contained within this moment 

Carrying dust angels,
ascending and descending the ladder,
shafts of sunlight search through
the gaps in the curtains
the cracks in our containment,
like a searchlight
seeking escaped prisoners
the outside breaking in
we are free in our confinement
still, on the run, in each others arms
and running out of time.

The content of our containment
is content,
Meant for now,
meant for moments like these
what is contained
within the sheets
of memory and time

naivety and sex and a tainted kind of innocence
simple joy,
in your arms,

she smiles and
 the tiny golden hairs on her arms
seem to catch the light of it
and they shimmer in sun

What do the searchlights say
what do the outskirts of time demand
as they hammer, unheard,
on the walls of our basement box

that our lives are beckoning us back
that the unfulfilled longings wont long by themselves
that our separation seeks us
that this is a contained moment
and the shell of it will shatter,

they say;

'bring us your children'

and we duly obey

but that is for then
and then is for now
 I keep you contained
in the memory of the moment

we two were once one
withdrawn from life
and on the run
content to be
and bathed in sun

and I think,
that I wish
the Buddha was right,
that enlightenment perhaps is
the absence of desire,

but we are unwise
and we need the fire

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