Saturday, 19 July 2014

Her Children Shall Rise up

There was a time,
When the heart of your husband,
was glad in you,
There was a time,
When your watchful love
Was red ruby precious,

Red like the long apple peel,
That cascaded, helter-skelter,
From the knife in your hand,
Onto the tongue in my mouth,
And your smile at this stolen pleasure,
This shared moment,
Made my apish turn-up lips,
Imitate your impish ones,

Even your scraps were sweet,
A moment for me, alone,
And you made us all feel like that,
In the generosity of
Your selective, selfless love,

Intoxicated with the intimate,
Intricate sweet-sour memories,

Your children Shall rise up,
And call you blessed

There was a time,
When you opened your arms to the needy,
When Your deeds declared,
Your heart-held hopes,
Of love for all,
The lamp of it,
Burned a deep, luminous cavern,
Seared into the hours of the night,
A hollow of light,
Within the darkened fog
Of my sunken expectations,
Your deeds raised the game,
And I praise your name,

Upheld by hopeful crutches,
Inspired by your deeds,
Heavy with light touches,

Your Children Shall Rise up,
And call you blessed,

There was a time,
When, though fear could be said,
In part,
To define you,
Your frightless love,
Laughed without fear of the future,
And the summer of my youth,
Held no fear of winter,
For the faith-full sun,
Could not be diminished by,
Deepest chill, then
Nor death now,

Though fear sometimes defines them,
As love  revives and faith refines them,

Your Children shall Rise up,
And call you blessed,

There was a time,
When your words of wisdom
Soared heights over head,
And, now you are dead,
I wish I could recall them,
Like loves ashes fell,
You had sashes to sell,
But I would not buy them,
I could have been like you,
Clothed in strength,
Dignified in all seasons,
Though tempest comes
And drought depletes,
Energetic and strong,

We rise in the streets
And call you blessed

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last,
But a woman who fears the Lord ,
Will be greatly praised,

And so we rise up,
And call you blessed.

(Proverbs 31:10-31)

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