Sunday, 30 November 2014


Before the foundation
was laid, The lamb,
Was slain, Proclaimed,
The great I am,

Before Moses,
Before Abraham,
Before Adam,
Gave a damn,

Before the problem,
The solution was formed,
Before the first skin,
was ever warmed,
Before the Sun,
was the custodian,
Of all that is old,
The new thing is done,
Before it unfolds,

In the Heart of God
It's finished,
it is done,
The ancient eyes
On what's to become,
Late in time,
Behold him, Son,
Before the battle
The fight is won,

And as Adam walked
In new felt shame,
The word, was as naked,
As candle flame,
The light was the life of men,
And we behold his glory,
Now as then,

He shone in the darkness
Not that darkness could understand
To give light to the whole house,
He put him on a stand,

In the beginning.

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