Thursday, 2 April 2015

Two Thieves

Two thieves hanging,
Either side of Christ,
In turn we hear them speaking,
Beside the sacrifice,

Thief One

Look at you, Jesus,
What do you think you've done
You just hang there, bleeding
You couldn't save anyone?

With nails through your hands,
How are you gonna help me
You couldn't even get yourself
Down from this tree

All your miracles and preaching
Where did it get ya?
Did it get you crucified with me?
Yeah, you betcha,

You had it all, man,
Loved by all the Land
What did I ever get,
Except what I took with my own hands?

You've blown it Jesus,
You've thrown it away
How you getting out of this
Let alone rise on the third day

If you really were the Saviour
If you gave a damn for me
You'd Save yourself, and us,
And get me down from this
Murder tree,

But you're nothing
Your cause as good as lost,
Your dead and going nowhere,
Nailed to this wooden Cross,

I wish I could believe you
But that crown upon your head
Makes you the King of fools
And your dream; as good as dead,

I may be hanging here, on this cross
Same as you, fool,
But at least I never thought
That I was born to rule,

Messiah, King of Jews?
Pull the other one,
You' re hated worse than me
Who do you think you are, Son?

Thief Two

Don't you fear God, man,
What, not even now?
When we've been justly caught
And we're strung up anyhow?

Can't you see the truth, man,
Cant you see it plain,
We deserve to die,
We deserve to have this pain,

You know what got us nailed?
You know what got us pinned?
You know we're a pair of sinners,
You know we've always sinned,

You've gotta hold your hands up,
To what they say we've done,
But looking at this crowd I'd say,
We're no worse than anyone,

But not this man,
He' shouldn't be here,
He has done no wrong,
I can see that now, so clear,

I can see in him, beneath the blood and cuts
I can hear his breath of life,
Beneath the jeers and tuts,
I can see, that he, in spite of everything
Holds himself with dignity, and innocence,
He really is a King,

And this man is,
As innocent as the day he was born,
Stretched out between us,
Cut up,

He is silent Like a sheep is silent,
Before being shorn,
Though I hang here dying,
I feel like I'm being born,

Jesus , Jesus, you hang here, the same as me,
There isn't much between us, hanging on a tree,
But as we wait here, Jesus, to meet eternity,
When you come into your kingdom,
Lord, remember me,


This day I tell you
In paradise,
You'll be with me,
Because when you looked at me
You could really see

And it's the same for all people,
Who see me for who I really am,
Not a tragic joke,
But the sacrificial Lamb,

For all those who see,
Just what it is I give,
Well they don't see a joke,
They look on me and live,


So ask yourself a question,
Is there something you may have missed?
And what kind of man
Loves like this?



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