Saturday, 12 September 2015

You Are Here

Red dot upon the map,
The words etched in black,
This is the place you feared to come,
And came to fear,
Worry and Don't worry, 
"You are here"

You pinched yourself twice,
But no spoonful of sugar can make this nice
So swallow down the medicine my dear,
because every way you look at this,
You are here.

And lost along your way,
When paths had gone astray,
And betrayed your feet,
which dragged you far from near,
You thought you'd never reach this point,
You thought this day would never come, but, Now You realise,
You are here,

You thought you'd never sink this low,
But here you are my dear.

It's worse than being lost
This facing up to cost,
So, let me whisper the price into your ear,
Yes this is what you've done,
This is what you have become,
And yes,well and truly,
You are here.

But worry and Don't worry,  now,
My dear, 
It's kind of reassuring, 
To put your finger on the map, 
And be able to say that 
You are here. 

From here you can get to there, 
When before you were nowhere, 
And drifting year on year,
When you know you're down from up, 
At the bottom you can see the top, 
And finally acknowledge , 
You are here, 

Before, it felt like mystery, 
Like you barely existed, 
Like you were a figment of some childhood fears, 
Like your soul was in the ether,
Like your body was all numb,
But now, connecting to the pain, 
You know you're here,

And pain is just a signpost to the lost,
And shame is lost upon the found 
The signpost points to another place, 
Where joy and honour will be your solid ground. 

Red dot on the map, 
The words etched in black, 
This is the place you feared to come 
And came to fear, 
But be Worried and yet don't worry now my dear, 
Because there you were and you were there but now for real,  you can say that, 
You are here. 

So trace your finger 'cross the contours, 
Dig your nails into the earth, 
Take one last swig from your glass of beer, 
Get your feet back on the road, 
Leave behind your load, 
And leave behind a note that says that, 
You were here, 

And leave behind a life that says that, 
You were here.  

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