Thursday, 17 November 2016

Bored with the King (of Israel)

Well I might get bored with all the presents,
And bored with Santa Clause,
Bored with Christmas turkey,
And the gifts strewn on the floor,
Bored with saving up
And bored with being broke,
Bored with being nice to relatives,
With whom this year you barely spoke,
I may get bored with all the tinsel,
The trappings and pretence,
Bored with keeping peace,
Bored with making sense,
Bored with the Queens speeches,
Bored with the aftermath,
Bored with being pleasant
To those who should feel my wrath,
Bored with Christmas carols,
Bored with TV repeats,
Bored with over eating,
I want to run out in the streets,
Shouting what's this got to do with Christmas,
What's this got to do with the Son,
Of God who came to do the dirty deed,
And get salvation done?
What has this got to do with him,
Who came to uplift the poor,
That we're maxing out our credit cards,
Out shopping from store to store?
What has this got to do with Jesus,
Christ, I can't see how,
We neglect the lonely,
In the name of family right now!
What has this to do with him,
Who died for being real?
And tied him into cocacola clause,
And the elves and the whole deal?
What has this indulgence,
Got to do with the King
Dying on a cross,
To deliver us from sin?
I can be bored with Christmas,
I can be bored,  as bored as hell,
But I will never be bored with the King,
Of Israel.
No Hell, No Hell, No Hell,  No Hell,
Not Bored with the king of Israel.

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