Saturday, 5 May 2018

Addicted to Grace

It is not so much,
that I am addicted to grace,
But that grace is addicted to me,

And no matter the prison,
or the depth of the trap.
I am never not free.

It is love that will not let me go,
When I have rejected it,
It is hope that exists,
Within the shell of despair,
however low it is that I sit.

And spit,
my broken teeth out into the dust,
But not so broken as I,
Not so broken as trust,

Still It is that the deepest depths of despair,
Are not quite deep enough,
To stop his grace from going further,
Or to exhaust the resource of his limitless love,

When the wayward son had spent all he had taken,
And now longed to steal food from the swine,
The Father was stood out waiting,
And watching all the time,

The returning son expected punishment,
He expected to be demoted and bought low,
And even whether he would be allowed to stay,
He thought it would be touch and go,

I am no, longer worthy, he'd say,
To even be called your son,
And Dad you cant begin to imagine,
Some of the things I have done,
Take me as you servant,
Stripped of status and let me serve,
And I can only begin to tell you dad,
It's no more than I deserve,

And when the prodigal finally returned,
Stinking of pigs and drinking and whores
The father threw his arms around him instead
Threw a party and threw open the doors

He threw caution and reproach to the wind,
Threw a party and said  'it's all yours',
So don't slink over there in the corner,
Don't cower on all fours,
This love is for you,
This love, you know, is all yours,

It is not so much,
that I am addicted to grace,
But that grace has it's hold on me,

And no matter the prison,
or the depth of the trap.
I am never not free.

It is love that will not let me go,
When I have rejected it,
It is hope that exists,
Within the shell of despair,
however low it is that I sit.

And spit,
my broken teeth out into the dust,
But not so broken as I,
Not so broken as trust,

Still It is that the deepest depths of despair,
Are not quite deep enough,
To stop his grace from going further,
Or to exhaust the resource of his limitless love,
For God so loved the world,
That he gave his only Son,
That whosever believes in his name,
if they simply come,
Shall not perish, but live forever,
Never to be undone.

He paid the price,
the sacrifice,
So our debts are paid,
His perfect love,
Scares off our fears,
So we need never be afraid.

You may not be addicted to grace,
But grace is addicted to you,
It's love that'll never leave you,
Transforming you through and through.

You see we cannot outsin his grace,
We cannot outgive his love,
We cannot overestimate his patience,
His sufficient Love is always enough,

The answer is in the son,
The answer is in the son,
The son, Jesus is the one,

And it's not so much
That I'm addicted to grace,
Although I suppose that I am,
because when my best is not enough,
And I have done all that I can,
I need just a little bit more,
I have to have a little bit more,
There's always enough,
Love to go round,
to pick me up
And knock me back to the floor,
I'm yours,
And evermore.

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