Tuesday, 1 January 2019

His Name (Isaiah 9)

What is his name?
The one who came,
As a baby,
As a man,
God and man the same,

Isaiah the Prophet long ago foretold,
The names of the coming one,
Coming, from the days of old,

The people who lived,
In the deep shadowlands,
The shadow cast by death’s own hand,
Their darkness has ended,
As has their night,
For with his coming,
Comes the great light,

And His Son’s name is wonderful,
Full and filled with awe and wonder,
Filling sight with light,
Near and yonder,
So bright the light,
It makes you stop (in your tracks) and ponder,
What is it’s source?
I wonder?
I wonder?

So wonderful it takes your breath,
So wonderful it breaks the fear of death,
So wonderful it makes you gasp,
So wonderful you may lose your grasp,
On what you once thought was fact,
Once glanced you know there is no coming back,

How can this thing ever be,
That God bestows his love on me?

His name is wonderful, Wonderful Counsellor,
We will wonder at his wisdom,
It makes fools of wisemen,
And all the pride that gives them,
His wise words are life to us,
We will wonder how we missed them,
His words are life itself,
If we listen then and live them,

His name is Mighty God,
This Child in a stable,
He’s powerful, Magnificent, Omnipitent and able,
A Hero here in swaddling cloth,

A Saviour to the world,
Saving us from coming wrath,
And vengeance as it’s unfurled,

His name is Everlasting Father,
He is the Ancient One,
He is Father, yes,
And yet still he is The Son,
He is here by his own design,
Though he cannot speak a word,
This Baby-King, Jesus is,
The Everlasting Lord,

His name is Prince of Peace,
A peace no one else can give,
And his peace will never ever cease,
And In it we’ll truly live,

And of the increase of his reign and peace,
It shall never ever cease.

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