Thursday, 17 October 2019

The Footwasher

I worship the footwasher,

The leper toucher,
The friend of; sinners,
The fatters and the thinners,
The self starvers,
And the self feeders,
The self harmers,
The murderous,
The insane,
The corrupted, corrupters,
Collaborators, abusers,
Dope users,
Makers of documentaries,
Down the centuries,
The self flatterers,
The Nothing mutterers,
The vain,
The same,
Friend of all that's mucked up,
Sucked up,
Sold out,
In it,
But not of it,
walking through it,
Like there's nothing to it,

I worship the one with his sleeves rolled up,
His bread dipped,
With the traitor's,
Same bread, same cup,

I'm with the one,
Who was born on the run,
The calmer of storms,
The stifler of yawns,
The tosser of tables,
And all that's unstable,

The one who said the justified man,
Is the one who beats his breast,
Not the one in Sunday best.

I worship him.
I want to stand with him.

M Joseph Burt (19.07.2019)

1 comment:

  1. If this is food for thought, i wont be eating for a while.



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