Thursday, 30 July 2020

To My Lord

To my Lord,
I give the meaning of that word,
I bequeath him all the lies he heard,
From my lips,
Knowing the truth of it,
Before I conceived a word,
And yet he heard with a smile,
And loved me still,
Knowing beginning from end,
That indiscretions like good intentions,
And promised mentions,
Were laid thick with ripped up paving stones,
 I stole from my path to hell,
Sure, I intended well,

You went there first,
So you knew,
What good I would,
Or would not do,
You paid my debt,
Knowing how often I would throw it in your face,
Christ is that not the very definition of grace?

And I have the tenacity to call you Lord,
When I have scarcely learnt the meaning of that word,
I bequeath my heartfelt lies,
And all I've come to despise,
And lay it at your feet,

Oh for perfume,
That I were a prostitute with a pot,
To pour on you,
Rather than just these tears
In my unworthiness,
It would be better 
And more truthful by far,
Than the word Lord,
Simply thrown off from the cuff,
Oh Lord Jesus,
When will enough be enough?

See the source image

(Not all who say to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter. The double use of the title almost infers we are over familiar and complacent, like 'daddy, daddy'. In one sense we should be confident in his affection, but also we should never be complacent. The title 'Lord' has a meaning.)

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