Thursday, 3 December 2020

His Goings

 His goings 

Are from everlasting

He was always going to,

And his goings 

Always became comings,

As he'd come, to someone,

Patriarchs blinked,

And in a flash,

A flutter of lashes,

He was come and gone,

Melchizedek made many times over,

A night long tussle,

A fiery companion 

God's servant.

Don't think the thing with the fish was a first.

He's been making goings since the beginning,

Shimmying in and out of history's paper thin membrane,

Peekaboo with adult people,

Instant in their infancy,

Even Abraham, in his dotage,

A sapling, searching for forest-light,

Beneath branches of the ancient of days,

His comings and goings,

His means and his ways,

Found in the fallopian highway,

A suitable vehicle,

He sidled in,





In Utero,

He smiles and turns the key,


He came,

Good to go.

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