Wednesday, 24 February 2021

In Every Place

In every place 

He is

He took me to a high place,

And showed me,

Over the contours of my kingdom,

My corner of the county,

The small stretch of a score of miles,

In which I live out the majority of my life,

In the basin,

And over the valley,

Where the wind whistles,

On the peaks,

And above,

Amidst clouds,

In clear skies,

Behind the wing,

Above the bird's back

All about it

And far, far off,

And every space in-between,

The camera is rolling,

And always was,

Our lives go on beneath him,

Within him,

And he within,

Cars and busses, busy on their way,

As they pass through he is with them,

And he remains with them,

Until they reach their destination,

Even if it is The other side of the country,

And yet he never leaves this place,

The camera is still rolling here,

And when tomorrow morning,

I rise early with the thought of this poem,

He is still here,

In the darkness,

As the larks wake,

And there he is too with the poet,

In his head,

And surrounding his half clad body,

And in the space between his fingers,

And the keys,

As they repeatedly drum on the squares,

That send the signals, 

That tell his computer to display the letters they encase,

Upon his screen,

The ones you are reading right now,

And not only is he there between the poets fingers and letters,

But he is with you,

And he is still here,

Hovering over the valley,

Filling the space 

Between hills and blood cells alike

And in every lonely place

In every corner and nook,

On mountain tops,

In desert,

Across vast tundra,

Over waters,

Beneath the ice,

In every space an eye could see,

And in the eye itself

The camera never stops rolling,

He is


Wild and free

And we

Have only just arrived

In his eternity

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

An Honest Poem

 I love you all, with sincere love

But I'd leave in a heartbeat

For the promise of heaven

To be pain free

And without ego

I'm a little torn

But that is what my longings say

I never understood before

When Paul says it is better to be with the lord

But I guess I just ran out of hope

Despite transcendent moments

Of this life ever satisfying me

Or of peace that settles like snow

Or true silence

I love this world but I'm ready to go when the time comes

I love everyone

No, really

Don't think I don't hate objectionable things

But I never met a human who didn't have something to love in them

How ever hard they tried 

To convince me otherwise

And if I was spikey

or hurtful

Or insensitive

Please accept

It was never hate

But fear that kept me from loving you well

And I feel 

That the fog of hatred over humanity

would be burned up

if we all could see  clearly

The source of our fear

God is love

That is my discovery

But I recommend you don't make the mistake

Of making a God of what or who you love

Submission to a loving and wise God is the furthest thing from subjugation  

On the contrary: it is empowerment, if you could only accept his rule

I believe you reject it at your peril

I believe there is one way out

One Human who can save you

The Human Jesus Christ

The bridge across the chasm 

of misunderstanding and foolish action

That so many of you automatically rule him out seems like an evidence to me that he is for real

I found him

And was found by him at the age of 6

Yes 6

And I knew something was different

And it never left me

However hard I tried to make it

Because I believe love to be eternal

I'm sorry for all the bad I have done

And to the people I have hurt

Nothing I gained from hurting you was worth it

Please forgive me

Though I can't always show it

And the truth of these words may not be known

Till the end of what is known to us now

I love you

And if you hurt me

I forgive you

Every last one of you

Wednesday, 3 February 2021


 You say you want to win nations

It's your vocation,

But you'll have knock your walls down,

Re-lay your foundation,

It'll make your back hurt,

Mud and dirt on your silk shirt

You turned away from being such a sick jerk,

Better knuckle on down and get back to the brick work

You build on Jesus, and his foundation,

His words will uphold you, like they do, all creation

No wall is gonna fall if its all laid in this location,

Any storm that's formed will fail to topple this inhabitation,

His word is heard and then observed

You better put it into practice,

Only when we trust and then obey, 

Will we begin to get better at this,

Be a doer and a hearer to avoid all deception,

Like looking in a mirror then forgetting your reflection,

That's not obedience, that's rejection,

Listen to the words of James that come like a correction,

When building on the word, it should find a good reception,

This word can save you,

Like he forgave you,

Humbly accept the implant,

And move swiftly on to stage 2,

Don't let it phase you,

Now the sacrifice of Christ

Is the basis of all we say/do,

So we build hard, remaining on guard,

Trowel and sword in hand, we're building and we're fighting for our yard,

Don't allow a foothold, or give an inch up, 

Armor up against the devil, Take your stand and keep it flint sharp,

Don't flinch or move or run, but stand, resist and you'll be kept son,

You're a brickie and a fighter, working hard and but having fun,

Fun with the Father and with the Son, and the Holy spirit: Fun with Three in One,

However hard your working, remember he is working harder,

It's grace gave you a place and led you through the Son back to Father,

Unless he builds the house, all your work will be in vain, so wouldn't you rather,

Let him do the work... 

And cut out all the drama?

It's grace and faith not works from the first to the last,

Never on your merit, and never on your past,

Christ the cornerstone, the first to be laid,

To Christ the Capstone, to show he has finished what he made,

Yes his yoke is easy, and his burden light,

We share the load with him, so our work will be alright,

And when it takes the test, and withstands the flames,

We give the glory back to him,

We did it for his fame,

We did it because we love you Lord,

And you took all the blame,

We did it for your glory Lord and to give honour to your name.


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