Wednesday, 3 February 2021


 You say you want to win nations

It's your vocation,

But you'll have knock your walls down,

Re-lay your foundation,

It'll make your back hurt,

Mud and dirt on your silk shirt

You turned away from being such a sick jerk,

Better knuckle on down and get back to the brick work

You build on Jesus, and his foundation,

His words will uphold you, like they do, all creation

No wall is gonna fall if its all laid in this location,

Any storm that's formed will fail to topple this inhabitation,

His word is heard and then observed

You better put it into practice,

Only when we trust and then obey, 

Will we begin to get better at this,

Be a doer and a hearer to avoid all deception,

Like looking in a mirror then forgetting your reflection,

That's not obedience, that's rejection,

Listen to the words of James that come like a correction,

When building on the word, it should find a good reception,

This word can save you,

Like he forgave you,

Humbly accept the implant,

And move swiftly on to stage 2,

Don't let it phase you,

Now the sacrifice of Christ

Is the basis of all we say/do,

So we build hard, remaining on guard,

Trowel and sword in hand, we're building and we're fighting for our yard,

Don't allow a foothold, or give an inch up, 

Armor up against the devil, Take your stand and keep it flint sharp,

Don't flinch or move or run, but stand, resist and you'll be kept son,

You're a brickie and a fighter, working hard and but having fun,

Fun with the Father and with the Son, and the Holy spirit: Fun with Three in One,

However hard your working, remember he is working harder,

It's grace gave you a place and led you through the Son back to Father,

Unless he builds the house, all your work will be in vain, so wouldn't you rather,

Let him do the work... 

And cut out all the drama?

It's grace and faith not works from the first to the last,

Never on your merit, and never on your past,

Christ the cornerstone, the first to be laid,

To Christ the Capstone, to show he has finished what he made,

Yes his yoke is easy, and his burden light,

We share the load with him, so our work will be alright,

And when it takes the test, and withstands the flames,

We give the glory back to him,

We did it for his fame,

We did it because we love you Lord,

And you took all the blame,

We did it for your glory Lord and to give honour to your name.

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