Monday, 19 April 2021


 When you're grateful in life, but don't know to who,

When you're angry with your lot, but have no one to blame,

When you feel you deserve more, but there is no one to reward you,

When you feel you're being punished, 

When you can't believe you got away with it,

When you call out for help and bargain with a God who isn't there,

When you blaspheme a name, like you just don't care,

Tell me why is that name on your lips?

Tell me who is it that see's all your slips?

When you're logic is that he is not there,

And that you hate him,

And that if he exists then he doesn't care,

Tell me from where did that sense of entitlement come?

And is this injustice that has been done? 

Did he not give you every breath,

Did he not, at your birth deliver you over from death?

Did the sun not shine every day, whether you saw it, or it was hidden away?

And shall we accept only good from his hand?

Blame him for the bad, with no thought for his plan?

Without honoring every wealth, 

Without praising for a single ounce of your health,

That has never been guaranteed to you,

Yet you take it for granted in all that you do,

And where is that someone hate,

And hold in contempt,

And judge and complain and continually berate,

Like your ways are better than his,

Like your thoughts are higher,

That if you were in charge you'd do better than this?

And where is your fear of him,

And where is your reverence

How big is your chin?

That you stand there and pout,

And huff and puff,

And scream and shout?

As if your love were superior,

As if your patience were not far, far inferior,

And this someone 

stepped down out of heaven,

Became one of us,

He has a face,

And a name,


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