Saturday, 6 November 2021

Evolving Pictures

 There is the Picture you gave me

On my chamber wall

a picture of a door

On this side is darkness

but through the opening door

is bright, bright light.


I took it because it spoke to me,

Of light coming into my darkness,

Iluminating the bones,

of the skelletons of my past,

Of seeing for the first time,

What I'd thought was sight,

before I became,

accustomed to the light,


Then someone said,

"When you see a door,

It is always for going through"

And I imagined,

Just what it was,

The Father called me to,


I Imagined that what lay beyond that door,

that faith and risk invited me to,

Was some bright future ministry,

And the glory that would ensue,

and it frightened me.


Then a few weeks back,

You gave me another picture,

This one in my head,

Of a fire place

And a father,

and a sofa.


You said,

"I have much to show you",

Your face was so warm,

I can never doubt that love.

In the picture I am sat beside you,

In this cosy warm snug room.


Another time,

You had said,

That I was on the edge,

Of something greater,

Then last night,

You showed me the thread.


I was between these two pictures,

The light through the door,

was the light from the Fathers fire,

And the faith and risk, I needed to take,

Were not for some great future,

But to shed my fear of intimacy.


I am stood at the door sneaking a peek...

I am not yet on the sofa, with the Father...

I've been avoiding this room for a long time....

Like Adam in the garden, hiding from him...

after all,

Isn't that what sin did....

Caused us to hide from God,

For shame....

And he says, "Who told you you were naked?"


And I see now, that what he wants,

Why Jesus my brother came,

Was to get back that relationship where we are not ashamed..

He says to me, with my nose through the door,

Come further in

Come in and know me better man,

There's a cushion on the sofa

With your name on it.

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