Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Juxtapositions (of various aspects of my health and mental wellness)

A limp is developed to spare a limb and/or joint that is in pain 

And I limp on both legs for that reason, 

Accordingly neither limb is spared.

I cannot  simply accept the pain and resume a normal walk.

My legs talk one to another in harsh tones,

Recoiling and advancing in returning turns,

My knees scream at each other like a warring couple.

I often forget about my memory problem

The stress of staying calm so I don’t have a heart attack is giving me heart attack inducing levels of stress,

I can't see the damage to my eyes when I examine them in the mirror

I often forget about my memory problem

My fear of death is resolved only when I die

I often remember my many forgettable problems

I also often forget about my memory problem

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