Monday, 12 September 2022



The place of the skull,

where the lamb and the scapegoat

Were dragged for the cull,

Splayed and stretched out ,

Side by side,


Guilt and pride,


In The Inside,

They crucified a lamb,

But a Lion would rise,

You thought this was a criminal,

Convicted and tried,

You thought this was a saviour,

But save your eyes,

The greatest heist,

Job done from the inside,

Stole back life,

To give to his bride,

The hero died,

But he also survived

And those driving the death,

Were merely along for the ride

In all of their pride and their thuggery,

This plain-hiding scheme could have seemed,

Like Skulduggery,

It was 'probably a robbery' 

Eloi, Eloi,

Lama sabachthani

You forsook, what it took,

But now you've come back to me,





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