Monday, 30 January 2023


I've been writing all my life.

For my imaginary audience,

Those that would read my words,

Once I was famous

Or dead,

But the audience,

Like my delusions of grandeur,

Have only existed,

Never excited,

Only exited

In and out 

Of my little head

'To draw a crowd you need a crowd',

I remember from my evangelist days,

When I would gather round 

The zealous speaker,

Feigning the interest I already felt

Disinterested in the interest I would raise,

And so here and there,

On social media, 

I try to create 

Cardboard cut-out, clip-art praise,

To create the audience to draw the audience,

But the soul will wither

And the dead not raise,

I cast my bread upon the waters,

And if there is in any of this anonymity 

A whistle-howl of actual worth,

I pray my words will die undignified

And rise again in the universe,

And rise again, in second birth,

I was told in my youth,

Live for an audience of one,

The one who see's your every step,

And the blind audience

Who never knew you,

Is the cruellest one you'll ever get.

And The Tide Turned On Me

 I swam out a way

I swam out, swam out, on that Summer day

I swam out without pause from that Winter's bay

I swam out, struck out, and caught the wave,

I swam out with hope but without thought,

That all my swimming may come to nought,

I swam out because fishes swim as they ought,

And because the sea, is the net in which I am caught,

I swam out as drawn, drawn into the sea,

And as I swam I drew the ocean into me,

And swimming and filling the vacancy

With vast open water and no destiny,

I swam out then, and I am swimming still,

And swimming and longing for the spill,

When the waters spill me, but not until,

They spill me on to new land, when sea's had it's will,

And in those early days of swimming,

The crossing never crossed my mind,

Of whether I'd get there or if I was winning

Or if I'd lost loosing and what would I find?

And somewhere halfway I know I'd like this to be over,

I know I may never see the other side

And the wave I was riding has gone into receding

Just like the turning of the tide,

Hitler's Apologist

Apologies for Hitler

Apologies for all the lies

Instead of defending 

Hitler's apologists should apologise

Thursday, 19 January 2023


Without your love

I might as well be scenery

Just some slightened sight you saw

But tell me, what is it that you've seen of me?

Just some meat-on-bones mannequin,

Blended in back-ground greenery

A man but nothing more

I suppose,

I might as well be scenery,

Without your love

I might as well be invisible,

Not loud out from the crowd

I'm notably indivisible 

Some bloke you kind of know

But indisputably non-indelible,

My love is coming through

But to you

It's barely intelligible,

Without your love

I might as well be scenery 

Maybe you'd notice

If I became a meaner me

But that you'd never love

Like you didn't love the keener me,

I'm a monster on your lawn


I'm the grass's greenery

Without my love

I wouldn't let you walk all over me

Without my love 

I wouldn't let you leave me be

Without my love

I'd paint your world so violently

Without my love

I wouldn't 

Blend into the scenery

But because I love you

I'd never let you be with me

I back down

I'm background,

Now yes,

I am the scenery


(Still from 'A Face in the Crowd' a Warner Bros film  Directed by Elia Kazan, 1957)

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Find Our Breath

The song is what

We have come to bring

So with love

We find our breath

And begin to sing

(Fridge Poems) 18.01.23

Monday, 16 January 2023

The Angel Angle

 If Satan presents

As an angel of light,

What kind of things

Do you think that he might

Say to get you on side?

Can you tell the truth from the lie?

Ask yourself what permissive thing you might like to hear?

Then filter it from your ear

Friday, 13 January 2023

Out Of The Blue

My time to fly 
Could came out of the blue
Some God given moment 
For soaring too

(Fridge Poems) 14.01.2019

The Happy Puppy

The happy puppy eats a burger
Heaven knows it tastes so good
Each dog would do the same 
Any time of day, if they only could

(Fridge Poem) 13.01 2019

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Like Stars Begin

 I always thought

Like stars begin by springing into black sky

This then is how he dresses heaven.

And he gives you more light than this:

Only time sings of it,

As eternity rolls on

(Fridge Poems) 12.01.2019

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Beneath The Blue

Beneath the blue,

Between blooms: a breath.

She begins to believe

Like before,

Every wish fell out of the sky,

Star hot

Like angels,

And left her 

In a golden smile moment,

It is as if true love could follow.

(Fridge poems) 11.01.2019


 Anvil  An unconventional use And gravity And force travelling And least resistance And other natural flaws And super-natural laws And an an...