Thursday, 19 January 2023


Without your love

I might as well be scenery

Just some slightened sight you saw

But tell me, what is it that you've seen of me?

Just some meat-on-bones mannequin,

Blended in back-ground greenery

A man but nothing more

I suppose,

I might as well be scenery,

Without your love

I might as well be invisible,

Not loud out from the crowd

I'm notably indivisible 

Some bloke you kind of know

But indisputably non-indelible,

My love is coming through

But to you

It's barely intelligible,

Without your love

I might as well be scenery 

Maybe you'd notice

If I became a meaner me

But that you'd never love

Like you didn't love the keener me,

I'm a monster on your lawn


I'm the grass's greenery

Without my love

I wouldn't let you walk all over me

Without my love 

I wouldn't let you leave me be

Without my love

I'd paint your world so violently

Without my love

I wouldn't 

Blend into the scenery

But because I love you

I'd never let you be with me

I back down

I'm background,

Now yes,

I am the scenery


(Still from 'A Face in the Crowd' a Warner Bros film  Directed by Elia Kazan, 1957)

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