Monday, 20 March 2023

I Was


I'm going to go

Just walk out of this work place,

Walk up to the main road

Catch a lift to some filling station,

With an ATM

Where I will withdraw the money that I should use for my bills,

Walk to some nearby rain drenched

Bus stop,


Catch a bus to an Airport

Buy a ticket to some country on a far off continent

Preferably an Island, or a series of Islands.

Having crossed over oceans,

I will take a local rickshaw, 

Or tuk-tuk, taxi or local equivalent,

Take the taxi to the coast,

Hire a boat bound for a smaller island.

On the journey to that small island spot another even smaller Island,

Enquire of my guide if this smaller island is inhabited

On discovering that it is not and has been abandoned for years (because it has an active volcano)

I will make a note of it's co-ordinates

On arrival at said first small island, I will venture out at night and find a sailor from some local opium den, whose word could never be trusted by anyone that knew him,

And hire him to take me to the even smaller island.

On arrival at the island of the volcano,

Leaving the opium addicted sailor with enough opium and food for a week,

I will trek into the jungle and ascend the foothills of that volcanic mountain,

Slashing through the undergrowth with the drug addicts machette I will, 

Having lost all track of time and distance, and with no reference point,

Clear unwittingly the entrance to a cave, 

A cave that turns out to be an old mine shaft that works it's way deep into the heart of the mountain. 

So deep that the walls of the tunnel are almost glowing translucent with their proximity the magma,

And when I am deep enough,

Remote enough,

Isolated enough,

And sure enough ,

Of utter solitude,

I will find a rock

And I will engrave on it with chisel and mark it with paint,

Mark it with my message,


So that no one will know that I was.

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