Sunday, 24 December 2023

From Stable to Table

The famine of the word of God
Finished: The word in full: Supplied,
The Word fulfilled, The Word made flesh 
Jehovah Jireh would provide:

Into the House of Bread
Long before the bread was torn
In Bethlehem where he laid his head
He came: The Bread of Life was Born,

Being in very nature God
He took on flesh, to be one with us, 
He took on himself our sin and sorrow
The bread was broken on the cross,

His Body broken now for us

Born into the House of Bread,
Provision of the bread was made,
That would feed us evermore,
And in the manger, the babe was laid.

And on the cross his body splayed

For the bread of God comes down From heaven,
Whoever comes to him, He'll never turn away,
And they will never need go hungry,
And he shall raise them on the final day,

And brethren, we are his body now,
And broken often, yet we are one,
One bread-one body-one church-one Lord,
And so, now in unison we come,

Because we partake of his bread,
We are one,
So to his table, 
We now come

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