Sunday, 28 January 2024

The Investment

 The investment

one drop,

in an ocean of drops,

one cardboard cut-out,

in a sea of props,

one stop,

in a mall of shops,

the least,

the beast,

the mundanity that's so underwhelming,


and who will notice me

would you look on me?


one ant,

on a hill of ants

one lonely kid

in his gym pants

and vest a vested interest

in the uninteresting

but here comes the investing


you believed in me

when frankly you were out of your omniscient mind

you invested in me,

when bluntly, I don't mean to be unkind

but there were better candidates

people who would validate

such attention

did I mention

that your undeserved favour,

was a flavour I couldn't savour

like a drink offering

I am merely proffering

the notion

like the ocean,

of drops

the favour never stops

and though you spend a billion

for one in return,

like a crazy fool god

you never seem to learn

I'm afraid to say

that slowly,

I'm coming to see it your way

and I'm just starting to receive

the thing I must believe


that you love me.


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