Friday, 30 November 2012

I was cut up by a Christian

I was cut up by a Christian,
On the roundabout today,
I knew he was a brother,
By the fish upon display,

I was about to make a gesture,
Had halfway raised my fist,
But when I saw the sticker, I made out,
I was looking at the watch upon my wrist,

When I saw the piscean symbol,
I said hallelujah, Lord here comes another,
Opportunity for growth and,
To prefer the weaker brother.

He was obviously in a hurry,
On some errand for the Lord,
He sped off to this evangelistic emergency,
In his spanking brand new Ford,

But as is the way with these things,
At the lights, a half mile down the road
I caught up in the lane next to him,
All but ready to explode,

I prayed 'Lord I forgive him,
As you've forgiven me,
But please let me see him come undone,
Before eternity.'

I quickly searched the glove box
For that Tim Hughes CD,
The one the missus plays,
when the pastors round for tea,

I put it in the disk drive,
And turned it up quite loud,
I'll give you Happy day,
You wont be quite so proud,

I wound down the window,
Like he'd wound me up,
So he could hear the praises,
Pumping from my subs,

Then that look between us,
We both knew the score,
I flashed a smile that said 'I forgive you'.
(In your smug gits four by four),

I loudly revved my engine,
while praying to God, so blunt,
'If there' any kind of Justice,
You'll help me get in front',

How dare he behave this way,
Giving Christians a bad name,
by flashing the funny fish,
As he speeds off down the lane,

As the lights were stagnating,
Amber next in line,
My twitching foot twitched in time,
To Mr Hughes melodic rhyme,

Like the apostle Paul,
Waiting for Gods leading,
I held that clutch at biting point,
My ears were almost bleeding,

Then I thought I saw the change,
I thought  I saw it come,
The clutch slipped up, the gas went down,
I was shot off like a gun,

I got way in front, alright,
I got way out ahead,
He had been left standing but,
The lights had stayed on Red,

While I'm speaking of lights,
Its only fair to tell,
The blue ones I saw flashing,
Made me sick as well,

The officer was lovely,
As he gave me the fine,
"Word of advice", he said, "to a brother,
We Christians should tow the line."

"We should think twice now,
About displaying what we wish,
And I think that you, especially, Sir,
Should think twice about that fish."

Thursday, 29 November 2012

good and faithful

At the end of all days,
To hear the words
Well done son,
Like over-cooked toast,
Rescued from the flames.

This should Not Be

My brothers, this should not be,
That with the same mouth,
I bless my maker
And curse what he has made,

My familiar, this should not be,
That with the freedom.
Won with his forgiveness,
I should hold you a prisoner to my bitterness,

My Tribe, this should not be,
That we who were included when we were far off,
Should shun the ones who don't fit the mould,
Or seek exclusivity's fold,

My dear ones, this should not be,
That we  who follow the one who would not cast a stone,
Follow him around with armfuls of rocks,
To silence his "enemies"
My people this should not be.

My brothers, this should not be,
That we who are enslaved to our religion,
Should catch planes over the sea,
To win a single convert to our hypocrisy.

Can salt and fresh water flow from the same stream?
Sisters and brothers, this should not be.

Monday, 26 November 2012

The Pilgrims Friend

When I set out upon my journey,
I know not where I go,
I take no map for reference,
It's Grace will lead me home,

It's Grace will be my signposts,
And Grace my port of call,
It's Grace 'twill be my landmarks
It's his grace that's my all in all,

It's grace will be my compass,
My guide along the way,
The stars could not be as reliable,
In night time or in day,

When I weighed up the dangers,
The toils and the snares
'Twas grace that made me reckless,
And leave without a care,

It's Grace that gives me legs,
It's Grace that gives me wings,
It's Grace that picks me up
And stops me stumbling,

It's Grace that dusts me off,
And sets me on the road,
It's Grace that takes the burden,
Bears the heavy load,

It's Grace that's my companion,
A faithful friend throughout,
It's Grace that keeps my thirst quenched
In scorching desert drought

It's never wavered for a minute,
It's never been in doubt,
It's never had too low or high expectations,
It is consistent, constant out and out,

It's never surprised by my weakness,
Never taken unawares,
It searches and it knows me,
And still it loves and cares,

Grace, the bright lights before me,
Heavens gate is Grace,
Where I finally fall before him,
And look full into his face,
And say I'm saved by Grace,
By your amazing Grace.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Leaky heart

I am so, so sorry,
You never asked for this,
You only meant to be friendly,
And ignorance is bliss,
You didnt mean to end up,
On my wishful list,
And I wish with all my heart,
You'd never touched my wrist,

But my heart leaks,
I dont know about yours,
It cracks and lets its liquid flow,
Out onto the floor,

It's there for all to see,
Leaking from my eyes,
A badly hidden elephant in my nervousness,
A tiger crouching in my sighs,
It waits for the slightest look from you,
And it jumps out shouting "Surprise",

I didn't mean to do that,
I never meant to show,
The depth of warmth I have for you,
As it seeps into the snow,
This crimson, leaking heart,
Bleeding love until it shows,

I thought I'd keep it quiet,
But my face conspires against,
The regulations I set for it,
My back's against the fence,

My back's against the wall,
When you walk in to a room,
I've nowhere left to go,
But have to go there, soon!

I didn't mean to spill out like that,
I thought I'd shut the lid,
And sealed it round with super-glue,
To keep the contents hid,

If you'd only keep your eyes shut,
When you're in a room with me,
I could just smile once full in your face,
And quietly take my leave,

I am so, very sorry,
You never asked for this,
You only meant to be friendly,
And ignorance is bliss,
You didn't mean to end up,
On my wishful list,
And I wish with all my heart,
You'd never touched my wrist,

Friday, 16 November 2012

Love sits with you in the ashes

There is no fear,
In love,

Love is not accolade,
It is not high praise,
From people,
Who don't really know you,
Love is not infatuation,
The fizzing disprin,
In your glass of stale water,
To make a brief disturbance in the calm,
And take the edge off the pain,
Then to wear off,

Love is not the loyalty,
Of friends nor lovers,
Who stand by your side
So long as it is mutually convenient,
Before there are sides to take,
Love sits with you,
In the ashes of your burned down life,

And Love lays with you,
The very first brick
On the foundation of truth,
And the second,
And the third.....

And finally, when all the building is complete,
Love is the capstone,
Love wipes its brow,
(While you look on),
And says
"There, It is finished,
Look what we have done!"

There is no fear in love,

Love knows us,
And never rejects us,

If love ever left you,
It was not Love,
If love ever turned its back on you,
It was not Love,
If love became over familiar,
It was not Love,

Because Love never fails,
Because Love remains.

Love is often imitated,
It inspires many,
But few can pull it off,
Because love stands with you on the heights,
Love looks for you in the depths,
Love hears when your heart cries in silence,
Love sees when you are all alone,

Love never fails.


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