Monday, 26 November 2012

The Pilgrims Friend

When I set out upon my journey,
I know not where I go,
I take no map for reference,
It's Grace will lead me home,

It's Grace will be my signposts,
And Grace my port of call,
It's Grace 'twill be my landmarks
It's his grace that's my all in all,

It's grace will be my compass,
My guide along the way,
The stars could not be as reliable,
In night time or in day,

When I weighed up the dangers,
The toils and the snares
'Twas grace that made me reckless,
And leave without a care,

It's Grace that gives me legs,
It's Grace that gives me wings,
It's Grace that picks me up
And stops me stumbling,

It's Grace that dusts me off,
And sets me on the road,
It's Grace that takes the burden,
Bears the heavy load,

It's Grace that's my companion,
A faithful friend throughout,
It's Grace that keeps my thirst quenched
In scorching desert drought

It's never wavered for a minute,
It's never been in doubt,
It's never had too low or high expectations,
It is consistent, constant out and out,

It's never surprised by my weakness,
Never taken unawares,
It searches and it knows me,
And still it loves and cares,

Grace, the bright lights before me,
Heavens gate is Grace,
Where I finally fall before him,
And look full into his face,
And say I'm saved by Grace,
By your amazing Grace.

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