Friday, 16 November 2012

Love sits with you in the ashes

There is no fear,
In love,

Love is not accolade,
It is not high praise,
From people,
Who don't really know you,
Love is not infatuation,
The fizzing disprin,
In your glass of stale water,
To make a brief disturbance in the calm,
And take the edge off the pain,
Then to wear off,

Love is not the loyalty,
Of friends nor lovers,
Who stand by your side
So long as it is mutually convenient,
Before there are sides to take,
Love sits with you,
In the ashes of your burned down life,

And Love lays with you,
The very first brick
On the foundation of truth,
And the second,
And the third.....

And finally, when all the building is complete,
Love is the capstone,
Love wipes its brow,
(While you look on),
And says
"There, It is finished,
Look what we have done!"

There is no fear in love,

Love knows us,
And never rejects us,

If love ever left you,
It was not Love,
If love ever turned its back on you,
It was not Love,
If love became over familiar,
It was not Love,

Because Love never fails,
Because Love remains.

Love is often imitated,
It inspires many,
But few can pull it off,
Because love stands with you on the heights,
Love looks for you in the depths,
Love hears when your heart cries in silence,
Love sees when you are all alone,

Love never fails.



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