Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Clever little fish (The Wisdom of Goldfish)

We are Such very clever goldfish,
We know almost all the bowl,
From one glass side to the other,
Partial knowledge fills the whole.
We can even see out beyond the glass,
To blurred images of the gods,
That send down precious flakes from heaven,
That falls most every morning,
No matter what the odds,
We speculate about what we see and where they go,
When they go out the door,
The outer reaches of the universe,
Our top scientists are pretty sure.
We are such clever fish,
We've come to this conclusion,
That the first fish in the bowl arrived here from a piece of algae,
By the process of evolution.
We can rest assured now,
That we know most everything,
And if there's a flaw in our logic ,
Well, ignorance is king.

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