Sunday, 13 January 2013

He is still brooding

I can still feel his presence now,
He is still brooding over me
Like the dissolving foot impression on the wet sand,
Waits for the kiss of the Sea,
To be absorbed by the touch of the Sea,

Long I looked for him,
On horizons far away,
As the ships came and went and disappeared from view,
I stared from the shore, unsure if I should stay,
but I stayed for another day,

I saw gulls following trawlers, all signs of life,
Heard winds and rumours of squall,
Heard children cry and mariners tales,
But nothing of the all in all,
Not a note from the one who calls,

I bought binoculars and telescopes,
Sat navs and scoured images of google earth,
But the images were as dead, as dead as My mother,
As dead as my source of birth,
As dead as my sense of worth,

Where have you gone? I shout to the sky,
Where are you? I challenge the waves,
Where is the touch that I first felt,
When I reached out to the one that saves,
The one who hoodwinked the grave.

Why did you go?
 I deserve to know,

I've waiting here so long,
Seen all life and all seasons pass,
Where did I go wrong?
Perhaps your love wasn't so strong?

And then a paradigm shift
caused me to lift,
the binoculars from my eyes,
my ear tuned in to the wind,

“Just once more before you die,
trust me again,
trust is the train,
Without it your just stood at the station...
Trust me for the duration...”

I looked down at last , not up or long,
And saw where I'd been standing,
Where the land meets the seas,
I'd been in up to my knees,
Ugly and demanding,
In lack of understanding....

twice a day the sea came to me,
unsung and unnoticed
all the day he came to me,
because he never left me
I’ve been standing by the waters

the tide has turned,
the boat has sailed,
The train is pulling away,
If I run now,
I can jump the bow,
make the train,
If I just pray,

Do with me what you will

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