Sunday, 18 August 2013

simple faith

I want to be clever,
To work this out,
To arrive at the answer,
To irradicate doubt,

I want to get it right,
To tick all the boxes,
But my tick wont fit,
And that's what the shock is.

The 't' wont be crossed,
The 'i' wont stay dotted,
The ink like blood has spilt,
My mental page is blotted.

I cant unsee what,
I've seen from a boy,
I cant ignore the feelings,
I chose to employ,

The twin hounds of faith,
And doubt, have grabbed one leg each,
They're tearing my trousers,
With razor sharp teeth,

And as they pull,
And fight for my jeans,
It seems what's neglected,
Is the Man underneath.
And I come to realise,
That it's not faith but beliefs,
That I can shed these trousers,
And walk off in my briefs,

Hand in hand with my saviour.

This simple act of faith,
Is a complex act of trust,
A resigning of self,
But an all-essential must.

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