Saturday, 5 April 2014

Signpost for the lost and found

And there it was
For all to see
The glory of
Your majesty,
The cross of wood
There in the ground
The signpost for
The lost and found,

Lifted high
For all to see
Your power
 And humility,
We look on you
In all your pain,
To live is Christ,
To die is gain,

Lifted up
For a little while,
The bearer of
All that's vile,
We look upon
Our sin and live
Humbled by
The life you give

Laid real low,
For a shorter time,
Dulled back then,
But now you shine,
You suffered then,
You drank the cup
But now you're high
And lifted up,

And here it is
For all to see
The glory of
Your majesty,
The empty cross
There in the ground
The signpost for
The lost and found,

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