Saturday, 12 April 2014

The streets of Jerusalem

Hosannas now
Crucify then
the crowd will chant
in streets when
The king proceeds...
in front of them
on the streets
of Jerusalem

 And Palms will fall
like tears soon will
and wills will break
and blood will spill
and the face will fall
that made all of them
down in the dust, of the streets
of Jerusalem

Lauded now,
but bloodied then,
amidst the cheers
and jeers of men
the donkey now
will carry him
but he will carry
the cross and them
and drag the heavy weight of sin
out through the streets
of Jerusalem
And make a spectacle of sin
On the streets
Of Jerusalem

Hosanna to
The king on high
Hosanna to the heir
Of David's line
He's come to rule,
He's come to die
He's come to lay down
His life for them
Down on the streets
of Jerusalem

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