Thursday, 19 February 2015


You think that you see clearly
That no one else can quite figure you out
That if they saw you from your perspective
They would know without a doubt

That you're better than they judge you
That you're worse than they had ever worked out
That your story's always evolving
That you've every reason to scream and shout

That nobody understands you
Nobody has breathed from within your skin
No-one's seen from your perspective
No-one's felt the your crushing weight of sin,

If only they had seen you,
If only they had heard your heart
Pressed their ear up to your chest
Maybe they could have made a start

But the truth is somewhere out there
The truth it never lies within
True perspective always evades you
Its the snarl that lies behind your grin

You're the least reliable narrator
You're the most bias of all the witnesses
To the truth of your condition
You are the fount of greatest prejudice

Perspective comes from distance
Up close its all a blur
And my friend you were least likely
To ever see who you truly were.

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