Monday, 23 February 2015

To The Praise Of His Glorious Grace

For he chose us,
Blessed us
Hand picked us
Before everything
The Love that will remain
When all else is gone
Ever was
In the beginning,
In him
Who has no beginning,
And in that love
He chose us,

Chose us,
In Jesus
He who sees all things
Who truly sees us
Saw our unformed bodies
Saw the stretch of all our days
And recorded them all,
In his book
Before we could ever give him praise
Recorded them.
With loving care
In his book of days,
Through heaven's gaze

He chose us
Before he formed stars
Before he spoke light into being
He saw the spark, that he would place in us
He saw the love, that he would grace in us,
And he saw that it was good,
That we would praise him as we should,
And in the darkness of the formless void,
Pre-planets, pre-galaxies, pre-asteroids,
He chose us,

He chose us, To be blameless,
To love Him more, and fame; less,
To be holy in his sight,
To be translated,
From the land of the language of darkness
To the state of the speech of light,
So we never languish
So he summons peace from anguish
To the Praise of his Glorious grace

In love, he predestined us
In the heart of mercy
In step with the heartbeat of compassion
In tenderness, he determined
To draw us, with cords of Kindness
To lead us, in our blindness,
To adoption as his sons,
Something holy, this way comes,

The cords are not puppet strings
They are lifelines
Drawn from eternity,
Through lifetimes
From the flatline of sin
To vital life signs,
To the praise of his glorious grace,
Beheld in the beautiful face
Of his One and only Boy,
Big Brother to us,
The source of all our Joy
The wonders of his love and grace
are seen first in that face,

And I have seen that grace
That raises my downcast chin,
That warms my upturned face,
That strengthens me in weakness, 
That subverts my pride with meekness, 

The unending, 
Favor of God, 

Unworthy I, boldly approach the throne,
And claim with reverend fear
the crown of grace, and grace alone,
And lay it back down at your feet
For all that you have done
And Praise your great and glorious grace,
In the face of Christ, your son,

"So turn,  turn your eyes,  upon Jesus, 
Look full in his wonderful face, 
And the things of earth willl grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace"

(Ephesians 1:3-6)

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