Saturday, 18 February 2017

Gagging Jesus

Jesus spoke
Such sledgehammer words
Resounding on the hard cold anvil
Of cast iron conscience

The world cannot
Cover it's ears
Against such volume,
Against the ringing,
Against the peel of the bell,
Of his lips,

They had to crucify
Such volume,

God on mute,
Jesus Gagged,

That such things be asked of us,
Some would rather,
Lie on the seabed,
And pull the Mountains over their heads like a cover,
Than hear such words,

And even his church,
Won't hear his words,
On wealth and poverty,
Or on hell,
On counting the cost
And taking up the Cross,

They are gagging Jesus,
To this day,

And the Jesus they allow,
To speak through the gag,
is muffled,

And the life we live,
On whispered mishearings,
Make us wonder from the truth,
From Hot to warm,
Warm, warm,
Getting colder,
Colder still,
Luke warm

And the Jesus we have gagged,
Starts gagging,

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