Monday, 20 February 2017

When Cultures Colide

When Cultures collide
When you cant decide
Stood on a rock,
Or caught in a mudslide,
Standing strong,
Or swaying side to side,
Stood apart or joined,
like a groom to a bride,
When cultures collide,

I will build my church

When cultures collide
and it causes pride to rise,
crawling in dog-dung,
to reach for the skies,
When visions of grandeur,
Fill the children's eyes,
The lust of the flesh
And the pride of Life,
Is all we ever see advertised,
When cultures collide

I will build my church

The kingdom culture of humility,
To lift others up,
To see less of me,
But the spirits of the age are stood by like vultures,
to pick the flesh from the bones of this haughty, culture,
As we cultivate, court compatibility,
Are we lost in the waves of this culture,
Like we're lost out at sea,
Or do we catch the surf,
and serve God on the surface of this culture of earth,
do we ride the waves,
to the birth of new birth,
and return to shore,
to claim what's yours,
When cultures collide

I will build my church,

When cultures collide,
Can we close our eyes,
Do we run and hide,
Or simply criticise,
While their spirits, fade,
And the children die,
and we cower in corners,
and close the blinds
but the darkness does not hide us yet,
it is as light,
to the one who sets
stars in place,
and causes the Sun to rise
With the light inside,
Can we close our eyes,
And tell ourselves it's too dark?
And it's not time to leave this ark,
And repopulate with light,
Blindness giving way to so much sight,
when cultures collide

I will build my church

Sometimes we must spit in the mud,
pressing thumbs into sockets
we start to manipulate and rub,
Is this the way to bring sight?
But darkness will be overcome by the creativity of light,

I will build my church

Is it too vast,
Is it too big,
Are we too small,
To rise to the challenge of this gig
As Goliath towers,
as his insults, hiss,
With a head that big,
We could never miss,

I will Build My Church

And who would have seen.
Such opportunities,
For light coming in times' dark as these?

We are not grasshoppers, in their eyes,
We shall not be,
as faithless spies
For giants are smaller,
Than the one enthroned above skies,
Enthroned over the Universe,
King Jesus forever,
Through every chapter and verse,
The bridegroom to come,
When cultures collide,

I will Build my church,

When cultures collided,
At Golgotha , it was so one sided,
They never stood a chance,
God led them all in a merry dance
The meeting of Jerusalem and Rome,
Of law and of grace,
The towel and the throne,
Of religion and freedom,
Of darkness and light,
The collision course set for a hell of a fight,

Yet he won it by giving up,
His life unto death,
When his heartbeat had stopped,
When he exhaled his last breath,
He pulled of the greatest victory yet,

And instead of uprising or riot,
all was darkness and quiet,

Instead of conflict or violence,
His body hung in abject silence

Till earthquake ripped open graves,
And three days later,
He rose to save,

When cultures collide,

I will build my church,

And they will be overcomers,
They will be people winners,
They will be fighting warriors
they will be reaching sinners,
they will be table turners,
They will be death defiers,
They will be evil-spurners,
They will be lighting fires
They will be hope givers,
They will be hungry feeders,
They will be listening ears,
They will go where the need is,
They will be holding hands,
They will be truth speakers,
They will be claiming land,
They will be peace makers,
They will be Gospel sayers
They will be chain breakers,
They will  be My bride,
I will walk by their side

Fear not,

For, in all things,

When cultures collide,

I will build my church

And it will never fail,

And hells gates shall never prevail,

I will Build my Church


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