Friday, 13 November 2020

The Reason I Don't Get Up

 The reason I don't get up,

Is that you cannot fall off of the floor,

The same reason I am still curled up in a ball,

While the world kicks me some more,

(One of those blows might land,

If I actually try to stand)

The same reason I reason I wont take off,

And the reason I never attempt to fly,

Is that you cannot fall if you do not climb,

And you cannot fail if you never try,

The reason I don't know love,

Is love can't let you down,

If you don't let love come anywhere near you,

If you don't get in the water you'll never drown,

It's better off somewhere over there,

In movieland and works of fiction,

A  place of make believe and escape,

Rubberless, roadless and free from friction,

The reason I hang on to this silver,

And never really invest it,

Is you cannot lose what you did not invest,

You can return it to the one who entrusted,

'Fear can stop you loving,

But love can stop your fears'

A lesson I heard for those who can learn it,

A song for the one who has ears

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