Saturday, 28 August 2021

We Will All Be Changed

 'Who wants change?', the speaker said,

And solemnly everyone in the room nods their head,

'Who wants to change?', the speaker enquired

Suddenly all the nods have expired...

Still as statues with eyes looking down,

I don't know what they expect, to see on the ground,

Looking thoughtful, they squint and they frown,

But things will change now,

Now that HE is in town,

 Simon, Andrew, James and John,

Fishing for a living, but they couldn't carry on,

Once they met him, stopped their fishing there and then,

Changed from fishy folk to fishers of men,

They liked what he said, they wanted to get on board,

Still whiffing of fish, they set off with the Lord,

A little down the road, they started to forget,

Fish-guts and boats and the holes in their nets,

Jesus seemed to change everyone that he met,

And, for the record, he had barely started yet,

Healings, deliverance, resurrections,

Teachings, parables and corrections,

Arms grow, demons flee, the blind are given sight,

The religious leaders, getting angrier and uptight,

The dead rise, the lame walk, the poor hear good news,

It's impossible to know Jesus, without changing your views,

Sinners are forgiven, God's kingdom come,

The party's getting started if you're starting to succumb,

It was all going well, it was all awesome and amazing,

Took away your breath to see, just like star-gazing,

But just like the clouds appeared, good friday,

Blotting out the sun,

Jesus had to die,

So the real change could come,

So The Father could forgive you,

Of all the wrong you've done,

Your punishment on Jesus,

He paid for every one,

Every one who believes gets a new heart,

Every new heart gets a fresh, new start,

You see Jesus doesn't just change bodies, when healing your disease,

He changes hearts and lives, just as much as these,

And changing what these disciples did, was as much about changing who they are,

Allow me to demonstrate, that they really did come far,

And to show that this change was made complete,

I'll point again to those fishermen, come with me down the street,

Come with me to the place in Jerusalem where they were all shacked up,

Hiding for their lives, 'cos they all lacked the guts,

When Jesus was killed, they all ran away and hid,

Terrified of the authorities, who knew 'who they were' and 'what they did',

Afraid to be caught, locked up, or hurt,

Would someone betray them, blab or blurt?

But when they had met The risen Jesus, all that had to go

I'm alive, he said, and so, and so...

Go into all the world, preaching to everyone out there,

And that is what they did, went out speaking everywhere,

No longer cowards, afraid and scared,

Speaking out with courage the good news they shared,

And some who heard them speaking, knowing them to be unschooled fishermen,

Took note that these men had been with Jesus, that he had transformed them,

And what's more, as much as they all changed,

The transformation will be perfected, when Jesus comes again,

Some may fall asleep, but not everyone will die,

At the shofar sound, in the twinkling of an eye,

We will all be changed,

We will never be the same,

So start the transformation,

In the power of Jesus' name,

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