Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Cell For Sale

Cell for sale

I'm selling the cell,

You're forewarned It's a four-walled

Living hell

The aspect is irrelevant,

And the vista as well,

Whichever way that you are facing

As you're pacing, 

You can never tell,

The toilet is open plan,

And yet it is quite discreet

As the cell, is, well, private,

You have your own en suite, 

And parking's a dream,

There's no need to compete,

As there's no street, it's wherever you park your feet,

The soft sell is that it comes

At a competitive price,

Stuck in your head

A prisoner of your own advice,

Never think once,

But always think twice,

And on second thoughts,

Let anxiety entice,

I'm selling the cell

Yeah I'm moving out

Out of my head,

And out and about,

I'm leaving behind 

The lock and the key,

And the prison of anxiety

And the jailer who I now realise

Has been me.

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