Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Certain Surrender (For Bono)

 You say that those you doubt most

Are those who are certain of their answers.

That you still haven't found

Whatever it was, that you set out looking for.

You say that the journey is the point 

With no destination

No line upon the horizon

That you will surrender to the mystery,

Wandering in the desert.

You Eulogise Paul, 

And I believe you love him too,

But I feel you would disdain his certainty,

And what you need to know about me,

Me and we whose certainty 

Causes you so much doubt,

That my surrender simply came earlier in the journey,

That I surrendered my answers to those given words of God,

That my journey has simply been 

To carry my thorny doubt with me,

And let it's niggle in my side,

Remind me:

On this journey,

I've already arrived,

Doubt for the moment,

Is just along for the ride

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